Road Near Lake Ohau – New Zealand

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Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM
@ 99mm, ISO100, F8, 1/320

The following morning my program was to see how far 3 hours or so would take me. Out came Google Maps and told me that Lake Tekepo is 3 and a half hours away. On the way were Lake Ohau and Lake Pukaki so I thought “why not pay a visit to these lakes as well”, so I hit the road.

I had some breakfast on the way to Lake Ohau.  I was well on my way when nature called… really bad! At that moment, I remembered a travel tip from a mate who said “to always carry toilet paper wherever I go”. I will remember that tip for sure on my next trip.

I found a toilet block at a camping ground at Lake Ohau but it is locked with a signed stating “Closed During Winter”, so I continued on in the hope of a miracle…

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