Bamboo Orchid
Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 105mm, ISO100, F5, 1/2500 On the Big Island of Hawaii I was surprised with the vegetation around the volcanic rocks, I found lots of Bamboo Orchids among other plants and many more … Continued
Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 105mm, ISO100, F5, 1/2500 On the Big Island of Hawaii I was surprised with the vegetation around the volcanic rocks, I found lots of Bamboo Orchids among other plants and many more … Continued
Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 105mm, ISO1000, F4, 1/8000 I have been trying to catch some bees and wasps mid-flight for some time now without success. I stood patiently in front of some plants in my mum’s … Continued
Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 105mm, ISO2000, F4, 1/8000 This was taken on the same day I captured the Bee shot. It was hard enough trying to capture Bees mid-flight but trying to capture a wasp proved … Continued
Canon 5D MkIV, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 105mm, ISO100, F5, 1/160
Canon 5D MkII, 50mm F1.8L EF II @ 50mm + 130mm Extension Tube, ISO25600, F8, 1/60 I met this little guy this morning on my balcony. As I was chilling out observing my pot plants, I noticed it getting … Continued
Canon 5D MkII, 24-105mm F4L IS USM @ 65mm, ISO100, F4, 1/60